Library Use
We encourage teachers to bring classes to the library. Due to the limited amount of space we ask that only two classes in addition to any classes the librarian might be teaching use the library at a time. There is a sign-up calendar, which can be found below. If additional help is needed please notify the librarian and arrangements can be made to have someone on hand to help in any way possible.
Teachers are responsible for staying with their students in the library during their scheduled times. When classes are scheduled to use the library, students from other classes should not be released to visit the library other than to locate a book to check-out. Scheduled classes have first priority in the library.
In the event that you wish to cancel your reservation, go to the calendar and remove your reservation. If possible please send out an all staff email notifying everyone that the library is indeed available for that particular time.
Teachers are responsible for staying with their students in the library during their scheduled times. When classes are scheduled to use the library, students from other classes should not be released to visit the library other than to locate a book to check-out. Scheduled classes have first priority in the library.
In the event that you wish to cancel your reservation, go to the calendar and remove your reservation. If possible please send out an all staff email notifying everyone that the library is indeed available for that particular time.